miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010


Aquesta cançó m'encanta... les cançons d'en Bob Marley em transmeten facilitat encara que les seves cançons no totes parlen de felicitat.
Escoltar-lo em relaxa i m'agrada fer coses mentre escolt la seva música.

One love, one heart
let's get togeth
er and feel all right
hear the childre
n crying (one love)
hear the childre
n crying (one heart)
sayin', "give tha
nks and praise to the lord and i will feel all right."
sayin', "let's ge
t together and feel all right."
whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa
Let them all pas
s all their dirty remarks (one love)
there is one question i'd really love to ask (one heart)
is there a place
for the hopeless sinner
who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?
One love,
one heart
let's get together and feel all right
as it was in the
beginning (one love)
so shall it be in th
e end (one heart)
alright, "give tha
nks and praise to the lord and i will feel all right."
"let's get togeth
er and feel all right."
one more
Let's get togeth
er to fight this holy armageddon (one love)
so when the man comes there will be no, no doom (one song)
have pity on those whose chances grow thinner
there ain't no h
iding place from the father of creation
Sayin', "one love, one heart
let's get togeth
er and feel all right."
i'm pleading to mankind (one love)
oh, lord (one
heart) whoa.
"give thanks and praise to the lord and i will feel all right."
let's get togeth
er and feel all right.

2 comentarios:

  1. Bueno mira ara te contest!!
    jajajaj i vamos que jo tmpc no se que dirte jajaj bueno jo almenys te don 2 bss Hum!!

    venga QUE RULE RULE!!!

    jajaj xDxDxD

  2. q haces locaa... mira soy yo el q no se mucho de catalan pero tenes terrible fallo... "Aquesta cança..... uy si lo ve la tutora jajajaja...bueno loquita nos vemos cuidate un beso...
